We are now using this page to document and promote our fund raising campaign.
Look for us on Meetup (http://www.meetup.com/Climb-For-A-Cure/),
at our BC Cancer Society page (http://donate.bccancerfoundation.com/goto/climbforacure),
at GoFundMe (http://www.gofundme.com/climbforacure2015),
and follow us on Instagram (stacy.graham or jonathan_m_ross)
Short little jaunt up Teapot to check the fit of new boots. Boots, good, view, decent, weather cloudy. Quite a few people took advantage of the break in the rain to get a bit of a workout. Overall an hour or so well spent.
Elk Mountain
Jun 21, 2012
Hayward Lake Railway Trail
Jun 17, 2012
Mission Heritage Park (to Westminster Abbey Via Pilgrim's Way)