Chadsey Lake - Sumas Peak, Fraser Valley, Abbotsford
Dec 21, 2018
Originally I wanted to head out to Golden Ears provincial park, but once again, with the windstorm and snow, they closed the gates on my goal. Instead, my course was changed to a common hike: Sumas mountain.
Encountered some newly fallen trees from the strong winds on the trail that branches off from the forest service road. We hoped to be able to duck over/under the fallen logs, but the collection in the short span was more intense than any portion of Mount Amadis’ trail. We hopped back over to the road, blindly heading up along the road until hitting a mountain bike trail. We took the mountain bike trail upwards until the trees, at which point we noticed the familiar orange trail markings and jumped back over onto the correct trail.
There was a fresh coating of snow, with only one set of footprints and a dog. We missed the hiker by heading out later in the day, and had the entire trail to ourselves. It was lovely to sit by the lake in silence. The edges were beginning to freeze over in a thin coat of ice that faded into the dark waters. Impending dark clouds robbed us of the sun, and threatened a potential new coat of snow. At the sights of the clouds we made our way back down the trail.
Strangely enough, there is one straight portion of the trail that felt significantly colder than the rest. I suppose it has to do with the winds rushing along the mountainside?
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Chadsey Lake - Sumas Peak, Fraser Valley, Abbotsford