Another alternative route to Alouette from Mike Lake. Still 22km approximately but different and slightly more pleasant in my opinion.
Go left around the Mike Lake this time... follow the roadway which enters SFU Research Forest for a few km and then enter the path into the forest onto old Alouette fire access road, then be careful to not miss the left turn onto what I call the "Lower Whisky Trail" which will lead you right up to Lake Beautiful (see GPS and Google Earth image I posted).
I prefer this route over the incline/fire access route most people use... and you end up circling Lake Beautiful counterclockwise before you run into the Alouette trail. Turn left (North) here to head towards the peak. On your return you can reverse your track or follow my track and make it a loop back down the "normal" Alouette trail + Fire Access + Incline back to Mike Lake.
1300m cumulative gain | 5:30 hrs | 21.9km
Have fun and stay safe out there!
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